
As an urban geographer and political ecologist, my research explores themes of water politics, real estate and urban development, and adaptation in cities across the global North and South. I have conducted fieldwork in Indonesia, the Netherlands, and India. Through my research and my engagement with my students, I seek to bring issues of social and environmental justice to the fore, and to demonstrate the value of a geographical perspective on contemporary urban and environmental challenges. 

In January 2024, I joined the Department of Geography at King’s College London as Lecturer in Risk, Environment and Society.

I was previously Assistant Professor of Global Environment in the Department of International & Area Studies at the University of Oklahoma. I also taught as a part time Lecturer in the Geography Department at Dartmouth College.

I received my PhD in Geography from UCLA in 2018. I hold a BA in Geography from University College London and MA in Cities from King's College London. My research has been published in Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, Environment and Planning C: Society and Space, Geography Compass, Urban Geography, and Water Alternatives, and cited in The Economist.

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Want to get in touch?
You can email me at: emma.2.colven@kcl.ac.uk

Are you a past or present student who wants to request a letter of recommendation?
Please request a letter at least 2 weeks before the deadline by completing this form and notify me via email.

Are you a prospective PhD student?
I am happy to discuss potential thesis topics and funding avenues with prospective PhD students who share my research interests. Please share your CV, and a brief description of your research interests, potential topic, and interest in studying at King's. 
